Same-Day Appointments
What are same-day appointments?
Same-day appointments are provided for patients who need quick access to a doctor, typically because of an unexpected acute illness or injury.
At Aylo Health, we offer same-day appointments to improve your access to healthcare so your acute medical issues can be addressed in a timely manner. Even if you are not a current patient, you can schedule a same-day appointment at any of our nine Primary Care locations.
Our medical care is always billed as a primary care visit, without the additional facility fees associated with urgent care centers or emergency rooms — making us a lower-cost choice for quality care in our community. Same-day appointments are not accepted one hour prior to offices closing.
Why choose Aylo for your Same-Day Appointments?
Urgent Primary Care
We know that emergency rooms can be a pain. All of our Aylo Health facilities will treat you with the urgency of a hospital but without the long wait times or the costly bill.
Multiple Services
Physical exams, vaccinations, IV fluids, splinting, sutures, and on-site laboratories are available at each of our nine Primary Care locations. Our medical team can also refer to specialty clinics if further care is needed.
Family-Oriented & Innovative
Our family physicians, combined with innovative facilities and advanced medical procedures, offer unmatched preventative and diagnostic care and treatment.
Convenient Care
We’re open seven days a week, offer extended hours, and have nine convenient locations — making it easy for you to get primary care, when and where you need it.